
Stock Metrics and Technical Indicators

Eps Basic

This is description for EpsBasic

P/E Ratio

This is description for P/E Ratio

Dividend Yield (TTM)

This is description for Dividend Yield (TTM)

Dividend Per Share

This is description for Dividend Per Share

Diluted EPS

This is description for Diluted EPS

Market Cap

This is description for Market Cap

Positive Return Prob (PRP).

This metric shows the probability of the stock having a positive return after its earnings is published. The return is calculated based on the next open price.

Expected Return (ER)

This metric shows the expected return of the stock after its earning is published. The return is calculated based on the next open price.

Next Close Return

This metric shows the return of the stock at close of the trading day after its quarterly earnings are published, calculated by subtracting before-earning Closing price from after-earning Closing price and then dividing the result by before-earning closing price.

Next Open Return

This metric shows the return of the stock at open of the trading day after its quarterly earnings are published, calculated by subtracting before-earning Closing price from after-earning opening price and then dividing the result by before-earning closing price.

Intra Day Return

This metric shows the return of the stock on the trading day after its quarterly earnings are published, calculated by subtracting after-earning opening price from after-earning closing price and then dividing the result by after-earning opening price.


This statistic measures the average variation of the variable from its mean, as a higher standard deviation shows more variation from the mean and vice versa.


This metric shows the expected return of the stock after its earning is published.


Alpha is a performance metric representing the excess return of a stock in comparison with the market performance. A positive (negative) alpha indicates the stock beating (lagging) the market. For example, an alpha of 1 means the stock is doing 1% stronger than the market, and an alpha of -1 means the stock is doing 1% weaker than the market.


Beta is a risk metric representing the volatility of a stock compared to the market. A beta of 1 indicates that the volatility of the stock is the same as the overall market volatility. A beta that is greater (lower) than 1, indicates a higher (lower) volatility compared to the market. For example a beta of 1.2 represents the stock is 20% more volatile than the market, and a beta of 0.8 represents the stock is 20% less volatile than the market.


A Simple Moving Average or SMA indicates the arithmetic average of closing prices of a stock for a specific number of trading days. SMA5 indicates 5-day average of a stock’s closing prices during last 5 trading days.


An Exponential Moving Average or EMA indicates the weighted average of closing prices of a stock for a specific number of trading days, with last day having the most weight and first day having the least weight. EMA5 indicates 5-day weighted average of a stock’s closing prices during last 5 trading days.


Moving Average Convergence Divergence or MACD is a momentum indicator calculated by subtracting EMA26 from EMA12. A positive MACD means EMA12 has crossed EMA26 from the bottom, signaling a bullish trend and a negative MACD means EMA12 has crossed EMA26 from the top, signaling a bearish trend.


This percentage represents how much the current price of the stock is higher or lower than the calculated metric. A +1% value shows the current price is 1% higher than the calculated metric.

vs. Prev. Q

This percentage represents how much the reported number for the recent quarter is higher or lower than the previous quarter’s reported number.


Year over Year (YOY) measures the statistical change of the reported number for the specified period against the same period a year ago.


Trailing Twelve Months (TTM) represents the sum of last 4 quarters values for the variable. The percent shows the growth rate of TTM for the variable.